Senin, 14 Juli 2008

Medical Representative ?

Be a medical representative? Why not? We knows every year more than 10.000 new pharmacist graduated, and as we knows that opportunity for work at factory or hospital are rare. But not for marketing pharmacy.

In Indonesia there are more 200 pharmaceutical company, local and multinational. Some company just selling his product and not have factory in Indonesia. Career in marketing pharmacy more bright than at factory or hospital. You can decide focus on sales or product.

If you choose focus on sales, medical representative may be is the answer. Job opportunity here always open. You could start your career at local or multinational company. Both of them has plus and minus point. But be medical representative it’s not easy. Here are structure organization medical representative at local company :

Medical representative



Area manager

District manager

Sales manager

Structure organization medical representative at multinational company more simple :

Medical representative

Area manager

Sales manager

But if you choose at product you can be a product executive. But product executive only at local company. Here are the structure

Product executive

Associate product manager

Product manager

Marketing manager

So are you ready to marketing? Are you agree pharmacist be a medical representative? Leave your comment !

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