Senin, 23 Juni 2008

Quality of Life

Two Years Out

Many pharmacists will start out as employees of community pharmacies and retail chains, while others will work in hospitals with limited responsibilities under the watchful eyes of their supervisors. Starting salaries range widely for entry-level pharmacists, depending on region and practice setting.

Five Years Out

By this point, pharmacists who can afford to start up their own businesses have the experience to do so. Those individuals working in community pharmacies have the professional experience to move into managerial and supervisory positions, and pharmacists working in hospitals will assume senior supervisory positions and direct the actions of interns and newly licensed pharmacists. Pharmaceutical companies are also searching for pharmacists with this level of experience to act as sales representatives. Others pharmacists choose to pursue a master’s or doctorate degree to move into teaching and research positions.

Ten Years Out

Well established by this point in their careers, those individuals who have stayed within the community pharmacy field are managers, and some of them have achieved executive positions within the company. People who have remained in hospitals assume administrative positions or have achieved the position of director of pharmacy service and are in charge of all of the hospital’s pharmaceutical services. But nearly any pharmacist with this much experience can find gainful employment in the manufacturing side of the industry in management positions, sales, research, quality control, advertising, production, and other areas. After 10 years,many pharmacists have enough capital to finally start their own practices, while those individuals who have had their own businesses should enjoy continued success.

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